Buck: android_build_config()
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This is liable to change in the future.

An android_build_config() rule is used to generate a BuildConfig class with global configuration variables that other android_library rules can compile against. Currently, the only variable exposed by BuildConfig is a global boolean named DEBUG, much like the BuildConfig.java generated by the official Android build tools based on Gradle.

The fields in the generated BuildConfig class will be non-constant-expressions (see JLS 15.28). However, if BuildConfig is packaged into an APK, it will be replaced with a new version where:

  • The fields will be set to literal values (i.e., constant expressions).
  • The boolean BuildConfig.DEBUG field will correspond to that of the package_type argument to the android_binary rule that is packaging it.
This transformation is done before ProGuard is applied (if applicable), so that it can propagate constants from BuildConfig and eliminate dead code.


  • name (required) #

    The short name for this build target.

  • package (required) #

    Name of the Java package to use in the generated BuildConfig.java file. Most developers set this to the application id declared in the manifest via <manifest package="APP_ID">. Example: com.facebook.orca.

  • values (defaults to []) #

    List of strings that defines additional fields (and values) that should be declared in the generated BuildConfig.java file. Like DEBUG, the values will be non-constant-expressions that evaluate to the value specified in the file at compilation time. To override the values in an APK, specify build_config_values or build_config_values_file in android_binary.

  • values_file (defaults to None) #

    Optional path to a file that defines additional fields (and values) that should be declared in the generated BuildConfig.java file. Like DEBUG, the values will be non-constant-expressions that evaluate to the value specified in the file at compilation time. To override the values in an APK, specify build_config_values or build_config_values_file in android_binary.

    Note that values_file can be a generated file, as can build_config_values_file as demonstrated in the example below.

  • visibility (defaults to []) #

    List of build target patterns that identify the build rules that can include this rule as a dependency, for example, by listing it in their deps or exported_deps attributes. For more information, see visibility.

  • licenses (defaults to []) #

    Set of license files for this library. To get the list of license files for a given build rule and all of its dependencies, you can use buck query.

  • labels (defaults to []) #

    Set of arbitrary strings which allow you to annotate a build rule with tags that can be searched for over an entire dependency tree using buck query attrfilter().


Here is an example of an android_build_config() rule that is transitively included by both debug and release versions of an android_binary rule. The value of com.example.pkg.BuildConfig.DEBUG will be different in each APK even though they both transitively depend on the same :build_config rule.

  name = 'build_config',
  package = 'com.example.pkg',
  values = [
    'String COMMIT_ID = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"',

# The .java files in this library may contain references to the boolean
# com.example.pkg.BuildConfig.DEBUG because :build_config is in the deps.
# It could also reference BuildConfig.COMMIT_ID.
  name = 'mylib',
  srcs = glob(['src/**/*.java']),
  deps = [

  name = 'debug',
  package_type = 'DEBUG',
  keystore =  '//keystores:debug',
  manifest = 'AndroidManifest.xml',
  target = 'Google Inc.:Google APIs:19',
  deps = [

# The contents of the file generated by this rule might be:
# String COMMIT_ID = "7bf804bdf71fdbfc99cce3b155b3643f022c6fa4"
# Note that the output of :build_config_release_values will be cached by Buck.
# Assuming that generate_release_build_config.py depends on state that is not
# expressed by its deps (which violates a fundamental invariant in Buck!), a
# workaround is to ensure that the inputs to :build_config_release_values are
# changed in some way before :release is built to ensure that the output from
# :build_config_release_values is not pulled from cache. For example:
# $ buck build :release
# $ uuidgen > dummy_state_file.txt
# $ buck build :release
# This makes sure that generate_release_build_config.py is re-run before
# :release is rebuilt. This is much cheaper than deleting your build cache
# before rebuilding.
  name = 'build_config_release_values',
  srcs = [ 'generate_release_build_config.py', 'dummy_state_file.txt' ],
  bash = 'generate_release_build_config.py $OUT',
  out = 'build_config_release_values.txt',

  name = 'release',
  package_type = 'RELEASE',
  keystore =  '//keystores:release',
  manifest = 'AndroidManifest.xml',
  target = 'Google Inc.:Google APIs:19',
  build_config_values_file = ':build_config_release_values',
  deps = [