Buck: .buckconfig
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The root of your project must contain a configuration file named .buckconfig. Before executing, Buck reads this file to incorporate any customizations it specifies.

Performance impact of Buck configuration changes

Changes to Buck's configuration can—temporarily—degrade Buck's performance because of how they affect Buck's parsing and caching behavior.

If you change the Buck configuration in any of the locations discussed here, it can trigger Buck to reparse your build files the next time you build. If your build files are large or you have many build files, this reparsing can impact your build time.

Also, because configuration settings are sometimes included in the cache keys that Buck uses in its caching system, changes to Buck's configuration can invalidate previously-built artifacts in Buck's caches. If this occurs, Buck rebuilds those artifacts, which can impact your build time.

The .buckconfig file uses the INI file format

The .buckconfig file uses the INI file format. That is, it is divided into sections where each section contains a collection of key names and key values. The .buckconfig implementation supports some modifications to the INI file format; these are discussed below.

Other INI file parsers

As mentioned previously, we have extended the INI file parser that Buck uses to parse configuration files. As a result, INI file parsers provided by other languages or libraries are often not able to parse Buck's configuration files successfully.

Dot character not supported in section names

We do not support the use of the dot character (.) in section names within Buck configuration files. For example, the following is not supported—although Buck does not issue a warning or error.


Note that sometimes you might need to define your own custom sections, such as for platform flavors for C++ or Python. These scenarios are examples of when you should be careful not to introduce the dot character in section names.

This constraint is because Buck uses the dot character to delimit section names and key names in other contexts such as the --config command-line parameter. For information about --config, see the Common Parameters topic.

Character encoding

To ensure that any character can be encoded in a .buckconfig key value, you can use escape sequences to encode characters that would otherwise be problematic.

The following escape sequences are supported.

\"double quote
\rcarriage return
\x##Unicode character with code point ## (in hex)
\u####Unicode character with code point #### (in hex)
\U########Unicode character with code point ######## (in hex)

Key values as lists

Although the standard INI format supports only key values that represent a single item, Buck supports key values that represent a list of items. The syntax is to separate the items in the list using the space (0x20) character. For example, a key value for the list of command-line flags to be passed to a compiler could be represented as a list of the flags separated by spaces:

flags = -foo -bar -baz -qux

When a key value is parsed as a list instead of a single item, the separator character is interpreted as a separator only when it occurs outside of double quotes. For example, if flags is a key value interpreted as a list of items separated by spaces, then

flags = -foo "-bar \u0429"

results in the two strings: foo and -bar Щ; the space character between -bar and \u0429 is not interpreted as a separator.

Transclusion of values from one key to another

Values from other keys can be transcluded into the current key using the following syntax inside the current key value.

$(config <section>.<field>)

For example, to use the [go].vendor_path in a custom setting:

custom_value = $(config go.vendor_path)


In addition to the semicolon (;), you can use the pound sign (#), as a comment character in .buckconfig.


The root of your project may contain a second configuration file named .buckconfig.local. Its format is the same as that of .buckconfig, but settings in .buckconfig.local override those in .buckconfig. In practice, .buckconfig is a version-controlled file that contains settings that are applicable to all team members, whereas .buckconfig.local is excluded from version control to allow users to define personal settings, such as personal aliases.

Other initialization files

In addition to the .buckconfig and .buckconfig.local files in the project root, Buck reads configuration settings from the following additional locations, some of which are actually directories:

  1. Directory .buckconfig.d located in the project root directory.
  2. File .buckconfig and directory .buckconfig.d located in the current user's home directory which, on Unix-like systems, is available from the HOME environment variable or through the ~ symbol.
  3. File buckconfig and directory buckconfig.d located in system directory /etc/.

Buck treats any file—irrespective of name—in a .buckconfig.d(buckconfig.d) directory (excluding files found in subdirectories) as a Buck configuration file, provided that it adheres to .buckconfig syntax.

Note that a .buckconfig.d directory is distinct from the similarly-named .buckd directory which is used by the Buck Daemon (buckd) .

For a description of how Buck resolves collisions between settings in these configuration files, see the section Precedence of Buck configuration specifications

Command-line control of configuration

In addition to the above configuration files, Buck supports specifying additional configuration files from the Buck command line using the --config-file parameter.

You can also specify configuration settings individually on the Buck command line using the --config (-c) parameter. Furthermore, you can aggregate these settings into flag files using the --flagfile parameter. A flag file provides similar functionality to a configuration file but uses a different syntax. Flag files are sometimes called mode files or at (@) files.

For more information about the --config-file and --flagfile parameters, see the Common Parameters topic.

Precedence of Buck configuration specifications #

The following list shows the order of precedence for how Buck interprets its configuration specifications. Settings specified using a method closer to the top of the list have higher precedence and will override those lower on the list. For example, the .buckconfig file in the project directory overrides a .buckconfig file in the user's HOME directory.

  1. Configuration specified on the command line using --config (-c), --config-file and --flagfile. Configuration specified later on the command line overrides configuration specified earlier.
  2. .buckconfig.local in the project directory.
  3. .buckconfig in the project directory.
  4. .buckconfig in the HOME directory.
  5. Files in a .buckconfig.d subdirectory of the project directory, irrespective of filename.
  6. Files in a .buckconfig.d subdirectory of the HOME directory, irrespective of filename.
  7. buckconfig in the /etc/ directory.
  8. Files in a buckconfig.d subdirectory of the /etc/ directory, irrespective of filename.

Files in a .buckconfig.d (buckconfig.d) directory have precedence according to the lexicographical order of their file names. Files later in the lexicographical order have precedence over files earlier in that order.

Configuration files can include other files

Any of the configuration files that we've discussed so far can also include by reference other files that contain configuration information. These included files can contain complete .buckconfig sections or they can contain a group of key name/value pairs that constitute part of a section. In this second use case, you'll need to ensure that the included file is referenced beneath the appropriate section in the including file. Because of this additional complexity, we recommend that you include only files that contain complete sections.

Note: Inclusion of files is a Buck-specific extension to the INI file parser that Buck uses. Therefore, if you use this feature, your Buck configuration files will probably not be parsable by other more-generic INI file parsers.

The syntax to include a file is


where path-to-included-file is either a relative path from the including file (recommended) or an absolute path from the root of the file system.

You can also specify that the file should be included only if it exists by prefixing with a question mark (?).


If you use this prefix, it is not an error condition if the file does not exist; Buck just silently continues to process the rest of the configuration file.

In the following example, the .buckconfig file includes the file cxx-other-platform.include which exists in the subdirectory cxx-other-platform. The .buckconfig file will also include the file future-platform from the directory future-platform.include if that file exists.

# .buckconfig
  cxxppflags="-D MYMACRO=\"Buck\""



# cxx-other-platform.include
  cxxppflags="-D MYMACRO=\"Watchman\""


The following sections are recognized by Buck:


[adb] #

This section configures adb behavior.

adb_restart_on_failure #

This specifies whether to restart adb on failure or not.

  adb_restart_on_failure = true

multi_install_mode #

This specifies whether multi-install mode is enabled or disabled by default.

  multi_install_mode = false

[alias] #

This section contains definitions of build target aliases.

  app     = //apps/myapp:app
  apptest = //apps/myapp:test

These aliases can then be used from the command line:

$ buck build app
$ buck test apptest

You can also suffix aliases with flavors:

$ buck build app#src_jar
# This will expand the alias and effectively build the target returned by:
$ buck targets --resolve-alias app#src_jar

[android] #

This section configures android-specific build behavior.

build_tools_version #

This specifies the version of the Android SDK Build-tools that all Android code in the project should be built against. By default, Buck will select the newest version found on the system.

  build_tools_version = 23.0.1

compile_sdk_version #

This specifies the version of the Android SDK that all Android code in the project should be built against. Even if not specified, the version that Buck chose to use will be printed to the console during the build. A list of valid values on your system can be found by running android list target --compact.

  compile_sdk_version = Google Inc.:Google APIs:21

sdk_path #

This specifies the absolute path to the Android SDK that all Android code in the project should be built against. The default is empty.

Setting this property has the same effect as if you had set either of the following environment variables to the same value:


Note that Buck gives precedence to the values of these environment variables—in the order in which they are listed above—over the value of this property in .buckconfig.

  sdk_path = /Library/Android/sdk

[apple] #

This section includes settings that control settings that are specific to Apple platform rules.

asset_catalog_validation #

Buck can check errors in .xcassets' contents that can later cause silent failures, like having multiple images with the same name or missing Contents.json files. To add extra validation above what Xcode does, set this option to STRICT.

  asset_catalog_validation = XCODE

codesign #

To override a default path to codesign, set this setting to either a file path or buck target.

  codesign = //path/to/target/that/creates:codesign

codesign_timeout #

The timeout of the code-signing step in seconds. The value is set to 300 seconds by default if not specified explicitly.

  codesign_timeout = 600

code_sign_identities_command #

Specifies a command with any optional arguments that Buck will use to get the current key fingerprints available for code signing. This command should output a list of hashes and common names to standard output in the same format as security find-identity -v -p codesigning. If unspecified, Buck will use security find-identity -v -p codesigning.

  code_sign_identities_command = path/to/command --arg1 --arg2

default_debug_info_format_for_binaries #

default_debug_info_format_for_binaries setting controls the default debug info format that is used when building binary targets. If you don't specify it, DWARF_AND_DSYM value will be used. You can disable debug data by specifying NONE value. You can produce unstripped binary by specifyingDWARF value.

  default_debug_info_format_for_binaries = NONE

default_debug_info_format_for_libraries #

default_debug_info_format_for_libraries setting controls the default debug info format that is used when building dynamic library targets. If you don't specify it, DWARF value will be used. You can disable debug data by specifying NONE value. You can produce dSYM file for the library by specifyingDWARF_AND_DSYM value.

  default_debug_info_format_for_libraries = DWARF

default_debug_info_format_for_tests #

default_debug_info_format_for_tests setting controls the default debug info format that is used when building test targets. If you don't specify it, DWARF value will be used. You can disable debug data by specifying NONE value. You can produce dSYM file by specifyingDWARF_AND_DSYM value.

  default_debug_info_format_for_tests = DWARF_AND_DSYM

device_helper_path #

If you want to have Buck be able to install to devices, you need to provide the path to the fbsimctl binary.

  device_helper_path = third-party/fbsimctl/fbsimctl

ipa_compression_level #

Specify a compression level used when creating ipa. The possible values are:

  • none: Do not compress ipa.
  • min: Use minimum compression level.
  • default (default): Use medium compression level.
  • max: Use maximum compression level.
If omitted, the default value will be used.

  ipa_compression_level = min

provisioning_profile_read_command #

Specifies a command with any optional arguments that Buck will use to decode Apple's provisioning profiles for iOS builds. The full path of the provisioning profile will be appended after the command and any arguments specified here. If unspecified, Buck will use openssl smime -inform der -verify -noverify -in.

  provisioning_profile_read_command = path/to/command --arg1 --arg2

provisioning_profile_search_path #

Specifies a path where Buck will look for provisioning profiles (files with extension .mobileprovision) that it can use to provision the application to be used on a device. You can specify either an absolute path or one relative to the project root. If unspecified, Buck will look in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles.

  provisioning_profile_search_path = path/to/provisioning/profiles

target_sdk_version #

For each platform, you can specify the target SDK version to use. The format is {platform}_target_sdk_version.

  iphonesimulator_target_sdk_version = 7.0
  iphoneos_target_sdk_version = 7.0
  macosx_target_sdk_version = 10.9

test_log #

When running Apple tests via xctool, Buck can set environment variables to tell the tests where to write debug logs and what log level to use. By default, Buck tells xctool to set two environment variables named FB_LOG_DIRECTORYand FB_LOG_LEVEL when running tests which you can read from your test environment:

You can override the default names for these environment variables and the value for the debug log level via the following config settings:


use_flavored_cxx_sections #

By default, Buck uses the C/C++ toolchain and flag settings in the cxxsection to extend Apple C/C++ platform. With this parameter set, Buck will instead use settings in cxx# sections (e.g. cxx#macosx-x86_64.cxx_flags=-foo).

  use_flavored_cxx_sections = true

use_header_maps_in_xcode #

Xcode projects generated by Buck by default use header maps for header search paths. This speeds up builds for large projects over using regular directory header search paths, but breaks some Xcode features, like header file name autocompletion. If that is an issue, use the following option to disable the use of header maps.

  use_header_maps_in_xcode = false

xcode_developer_dir #

By default, Buck will use the output of xcode-select --print-path to determine where Xcode's developer directory is. However, you can specify a directory in the config to override whatever value that would return.

  xcode_developer_dir = path/to/developer/directory

xcode_developer_dir_for_tests #

Optionally override the Xcode developer directory for running tests, if you want them to be run with a different Xcode version than the version used for building. If absent, falls back to xcode_developer_dir and finally xcode-select --print-path.

  xcode_developer_dir_for_tests = path/to/developer/directory/for_tests

xctool_default_destination_specifier #

This setting is passed directly to xctool, and then toxcodebuild as the -destination argument.

  xctool_default_destination_specifier = platform=iOS Simulator

For more detail, see the man page for xcodebuild. To access the man page, type the following from your Terminal prompt:

man xcodebuild

and then use / to search for the string Destinations.

xctool_path #

If you want to run tests with Buck, you will need to get xctool and tell Buck where to find it. This setting lets you specify a path to a binary. You should use either this setting or [apple].xctool_zip_target.

  xctool_path = path/to/binary/of/xctool

xctool_zip_target #

If you want to run tests with Buck, you will need to get xctool and tell Buck where to find it. This setting lets you specify a build target. You should use either this setting or [apple].xctool_path.

  xctool_zip_target = //path/to/target/that/creates:xctool-zip

*_package_command #

Specify a custom command to run for apple_package() rules. The syntax of this field is similar to the cmd field of genrule, and supports some expansions:

Expands to the absolute path of the bundle argument output to theapple_package() rule.
Expands to the output file for the apple_package() rule. The file specified by this variable must always be written by this command.
Expands to the SDK root directory for the requested SDK. For example,/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS9.2.sdk/.
Note that since strings in the config can be quoted, literal quotes can only be written by quoting the string and use escaped quotes. If omitted, this will revert to the built-in behavior. When this option is specified, *_package_extension must also be specified.

  iphoneos_package_command = "\"$PLATFORM_DIR/Developer/usr/bin/PackageApplication\" \"$SRCS\" \"$OUT\""
  iphoneos_package_extension = zip

*_package_extension #

Specify the output extension for custom apple_package rules configured with*_package_command. This config option must be specified when *_package_command is specified, or both omitted.

*_replacement #

Replace Xcode provided tools from imported SDKs and toolchains. Input path must point to a valid executable file. This takes precedence over apple.*_xcode_tool_name_override which only searches for replacement within workspace.

  *_replacement = /usr/bin/true

*_toolchains_override #

Specify a comma-delimited custom list of toolchains to use when building with a particular SDK. This is the Buck equivalent of the TOOLCHAINS environment variable when building with Xcode. If omitted, this will revert to the built-in behavior.

osx_toolchains_override = tools.stable,tools.swift40,tools.common

*_version_override #

Specify version string to use for Xcode tool. By default, Xcode tool's version value is calculated automatically from its container SDK and toolchain. But in some cases (e.g. when tools are overridden by apple.*_replacement), it needs to be manually overridden in order to prevent rule key collision.


*_xcode_tool_name_override #

Specify custom Xcode tool name to use in place of existing one. When set, buck will lookup Xcode search paths to locate the tool, and use it for tool invocations. This value is ignored when apple.*_replacement for the same tool is set.

    # Use (my_clang|my_actool) executable which exists in one of the
    # imported SDKs and toolchains, instead of the defaults.

[build] #

This section includes settings that control build engine behavior.

artifact_cache_size_limit #

Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a build artifact (output file) that Buck caches.

# Use a limit of 50 MB. 
artifact_cache_size_limit = 52428800

This value is optional. If you do not specify a value, then it sets no limit to the size of an artifact that Buck caches—but see note below regarding distributed caches.

Note: This value sets an upper bound on artifact size for all values of [cache].mode. The parameter [cache].http_max_store_size sets an artifact size limit only for distributed cache modes (http and thrift_over_http). Therefore, it is not meaningful to set a value for http_max_store_size which is larger than the value of artifact_cache_size_limit.

delete_temporaries #

If true, Buck deletes some temporary files immediate after executing a build rule. This is useful for conserving disk space when performing large builds. By default, temporary files are not deleted.

  delete_temporaries = false

depfiles #

Configures the use of dependency files for rules that support them. This is an optimization that is useful when dependencies are over-specified and the rule can dynamically determine the subset of dependencies it actually needs. The possible values are:

  • enabled: Use dependency files to avoid unnecessary rebuilds.
  • cache (default): Use dependency files to avoid unnecessary rebuilds and to store/fetch artifacts to/from the cache.
  • disabled: Do not use dependency files for rebuild detection.

  depfiles = cache

engine #

This has two possible values that change the behavior of how Buck operates when building a build target:

  • shallow (default): only the required transitive dependencies of a build target are materialized locally. Cache hits can result in missing transitive dependencies that are not needed for the final output.
  • deep: ensure that all transitive dependencies of a build target are materialized locally.

  engine = shallow

max_depfile_cache_entries #

Sets the maximum size of the depfile cache for each input source file. This is only used when setting [build].depfiles to cache. An ideal setting for this should be big enough for the working set of all possible header states that a given unchanged source file uses.

  max_depfile_cache_entries = 256

network_threads #

The number of threads to be used for network I/O. The default value is number of cores of the machine.

  network_threads = 8

rule_key_caching #

Enables caching of rule key calculations between builds when using the Buck daemon.

  rule_key_caching = true

threads #

Sets the maximum number of threads to use for building. By default, Buck uses the number of available cores multiplied by 1.25.

  threads = 4

thread_core_ratio #

Sets the maximum number of threads to use for building as a ratio of the number of available cores (e.g. 0.75 on a 4 core machine would limit building to 3 threads, or a value of 1.25 on the same machine would attempt to use 5 threads).

  thread_core_ratio = 0.75

thread_core_ratio_max_threads #

The maximum number of threads to use when calculating the number of build threads from thread_core_ratio. (e.g. a value of 2 on a 4 core machine would ensure that, at most, 2 threads were used, and value of 10 on a 40 core machine would ensure that, at most, 10 threads were used).

  thread_core_ratio_max_threads = 10

thread_core_ratio_min_threads #

The minimum number of threads to use when calculating the number of build threads from thread_core_ratio. (e.g. a value of 1 on a 4 core machine would ensure that, at least, 1 thread was used, and value of 4 on a 40 core machine would ensure that, at least, 10 threads were used).

  thread_core_ratio_min_threads = 1

thread_core_ratio_reserved_cores #

Limit the maximum number of build threads to be the number of detected cores minus this value. (e.g. a value of 1 on a 4 core machine would ensure that, at most, 3 cores were used, and a value of 2 on a 40 core machine would ensure that, at most, 38 cores were used).

  thread_core_ratio_reserved_cores = 1

type #

Sets the type of the build that buck has been built with. This allows buck to distinguish different kinds of builds. When you run ant locally, this will be automatically set to LOCAL_ANT. When you build buck using buck locally, e.g. buck build buck, this will be automatically set to LOCAL_PEX. If you are deploying buck through central deployment system, you may want to set build type to RELEASE_PEX:

buck build buck --config build.type=RELEASE_PEX

Note: this setting does not affect how buck builds other rules. It only affects the way how buck will build buck.

  type = RELEASE_PEX

[buildfile] #

This section includes settings that control build file behavior.

includes #

This sets a list of paths to files that will be automatically included by every build file. This is equivalent to calling include_defs() in every build file.

NOTE: We recommend that you do not use this property. This property can make your builds difficult to maintain and debug, and it will be deprecated in a future release of Buck.

  includes = //core/DEFS

name #

The name of build files within a project. This defaults to BUCK. We recommend that you use the default name. However, you could specify a different name—such as BUILD shown below—in order to support, for example, a legacy project that used different buildfile naming conventions.

  name = BUILD

[cache] #

This section configures build artifact caching. Caching can be configured to use the local filesystem, an SQLite database, or a remote distributed cache that can be shared among developers. Caching is disabled by default. The [cache].mode setting—described below—determines which properties are relevant to the caching configuration; other properties are ignored by Buck.

mode #

A comma-separated list of caching policies to use. Valid values are:

  • dir (default): Use a directory-based cache on the local filesystem.
  • http: Use an http-based cache. See Binary HTTP Cache API.
  • thrift_over_http: Use an http-based cache that uses thrift for object metadata. See Thrift over HTTP Cache API.
  • sqlite: Use a SQLite-based cache that inlines small artifacts in the database and stores large artifacts on the local filesystem.

  mode = dir, http, sqlite

dir #

The path to use for directory-based caching. The path can be:

  • An absolute path in your local file system, such as /Volumes/mySSD/cache.

  • A path relative to your home directory, that uses tilde (~) expansion. such as ~/local/cache.

  • A path that is relative to the root of your Buck project, such as buck-out/cache, which is the default.

[cache].mode must contain dir.

  dir = buck-out/cache

dir_cache_names #

A comma-separated list of names used to configure multiple dir caches. The caches will be used serially in the order in which their names are specified here. If an artifact is found further along in the list, an attempt to store it in the caches earlier in the list will be made. In the following example, if the artifact is found in the warm cache, it will not be stored in the local cache. Note: if [cache] dir or [cache] dir_mode are found, then Buck will fall back to single dir cache more and [cache] dir_cache_names will be completely ignored.

[cache].mode must contain dir.

    mode = dir
    dir_cache_names = warm, local

    dir = ~/prefetched_cache
    dir_mode = readonly

    dir = ~/buck_cache
    dir_mode = readwrite

dir_max_size #

The maximum cache size for directory-based caching. The default size is unlimited.

[cache].mode must contain dir.

  dir_max_size = 10GB

dir_mode #

Dictates if the cache is readonly, passthrough, or readwrite (default) when using directory-based caching.

[cache].mode must contain dir.

  dir_mode = readwrite

serve_local_cache #

Make the directory-based cache available to other hosts on the network via Buck's HTTP server (enabled under [httpserver]).

[cache].mode must contain dir.

  serve_local_cache = false

served_local_cache_mode #

Dictates if the cache is readonly (default) or readwrite when [cache].serve_local_cache is enabled.

[cache].mode must contain dir.

  served_local_cache_mode = readwrite

http_url #

The URL to use to contact the cache when using http-based caching. Buck communicates with the server using a simple API.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_url = http://localhost:8080

http_mode #

Dictates if the cache is readonly or readwrite (default) when using http-based caching.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_mode = readwrite

http_read_headers #

A semicolon-separated set of HTTP headers to use when reading from the cache when using http-based caching. The default is no headers.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_read_headers = User-Agent: buck

http_write_headers #

A semicolon-separated set of HTTP headers to use when writing to the cache when using http-based caching. The default is no headers.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_write_headers = Authorization: XXXXXXX; User-Agent: buck

http_timeout_seconds #

Dictates the timeout per connection when using http-based caching. It will be the default value for http_connect_timeout_seconds, http_read_timeout_seconds, http_write_timeout_seconds if they're not set. The default is 3.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_timeout_seconds = 3

http_connect_timeout_seconds #

Dictates the timeout on http connect when using http-based caching. If the value is not set, it will try to use the value set for http_timeout_seconds then use the default value 3.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_connect_timeout_seconds = 3

http_read_timeout_seconds #

Dictates the timeout on http writes when using http-based caching. If the value is not set, it will try to use the value set for http_timeout_seconds then use the default value 3.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_read_timeout_seconds = 3

http_write_timeout_seconds #

Dictates the timeout on http reads when using http-based caching. If the value is not set, it will try to use the value set for http_timeout_seconds then use the default value 3.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_write_timeout_seconds = 3

http_max_concurrent_writes #

The number of writer threads to use to upload to the http cache when using http-based caching. The default is 1. Note that when using multiple http caches (see below), the writer thread pool is shared between them all.

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_max_concurrent_writes = 1

http_writer_shutdown_timeout_seconds #

The length of time to wait after the build completes for any remaining http cache uploads to complete before forcefully shutting down the writer thread pool when using http-based caching. The default is 1800 (30 minutes).

[cache].mode must contain http.

  http_writer_shutdown_timeout_seconds = 1800

http_error_message_format #

This setting allows for the customization of how http cache errors appear to the user. If the text {cache_name} is present, it will be replaced with the name of the cache. If the text {error_message}, it will be replaced with the error message.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_error_message_format = The cache named {cache_name} encountered an error: {error_message}

http_error_message_limit #

This setting allows to set after how many errors Buck will print the http_error_message_format. Every time it prints it the counter resets to 0 to avoid spamming the console.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_error_message_limit = 100

http_max_store_attempts #

Maximum number of times to attempt to store item to the cache before giving up.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_max_store_attempts = 1

http_store_retry_interval_millis #

Interval to wait if previous cache store request failed.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_store_retry_interval_millis = 1000

http_max_store_size #

The max size in bytes that an artifact can be to get pushed to an http cache.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_max_store_size = 5000000

http_client_tls_cert #

The path to a PEM encoded client X.509 TLS certificate that should be used for any HTTP requests to a remote cache. This operates on both read and write connections.

This can be useful within a server to restrict access to a write path, log which users are writing which artifacts, and generally authenticate cache clients.

Note: http_client_tls_key must be set for this setting to be used.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_client_tls_cert = /etc/pki/client.crt

http_client_tls_key #

The path to a PEM encoded PKCS#8 key that should be used for any HTTP requests to a remote cache. This operates on both read and write connections.

This can be useful within a server to restrict access to a write path, log which users are writing which artifacts, and generally authenticate cache clients.

Note: http_client_tls_cert must be set for this setting to be used.

[cache].mode must contain http or thrift_over_http.

  http_client_tls_key = /etc/pki/client.key

hybrid_thrift_endpoint #

The HTTP endpoint to call if using Thrift over HTTP Cache API.

[cache].mode must contain thrift_over_http.

  hybrid_thrift_endpoint = /hybrid_endpoint

sqlite_inlined_size #

The maximum size for artifacts to be inlined. The default size is 40B.

[cache].mode must contain sqlite.

  sqlite_inlined_size = 10kB

sqlite_max_size #

The maximum cache size for SQLite-based caching. The default size is unlimited.

[cache].mode must contain sqlite.

  sqlite_max_size = 10GB

sqlite_mode #

Dictates if the cache is readonly, passthrough or readwrite (default) when using SQLite-based caching

[cache].mode must contain sqlite.

  sqlite_mode = readwrite

sqlite_cache_names #

A comma-separated list of names used to configure multiple SQLite caches. The caches will be used serially in the order in which their names are specified here. If an artifact is found further along in the list, an attempt to store it in the caches earlier in the list will be made. In the following example, if the artifact is found in the warm cache, it will not be stored in the local cache.

[cache].mode must contain sqlite.

    mode = sqlite
    sqlite_cache_names = warm, local

    sqlite_mode = readonly

    sqlite_mode = readwrite

two_level_cache_enabled #

Have the Buck client perform 2-level stores and lookups on the artifacts. Every cache operation consists of 2 steps: content hash-based and RuleKey-based. This makes it easier to reuse locally cached artifacts across different buck versions at the expense of higher latencies in the case where artifacts are not present in the local cache.

  two_level_cache_enabled = false

two_level_cache_minimum_size #

When performing a store artifacts smaller than this size will be stored directly, without the content hash redirection.

  two_level_cache_minimum_size = 1024

two_level_cache_maximum_size #

When performing a store artifacts bigger than this size will be stored directly, without the content hash redirection.

  two_level_cache_maximum_size = 1024

action_graph_cache_check_enabled #

It enables an integrity checking mechanism in the action graph cache that compares the a newly generated action graph with the one already in the cache in the case of a cache hit. If the graphs do not match the build is stopped and the mismatching rules are printed and logged.

  action_graph_cache_check_enabled = false

max_action_graph_cache_entries #

Sets the maximum number of action graphs to cache. After this number, the least-recently-used graph will be evicted. Defaults to 1.

  max_action_graph_cache_entries = 3

load_balancing_type #

Decides whether the distributed cache connects to a single URL or it has a pool of servers and chooses which one to use based on client side load balancing. NOTE: 'slb_*' configs only apply when CLIENT_SLB is enabled.

  load_balancing_type = SINGLE_SERVER, CLIENT_SLB

slb_server_pool #

A comma separated list of server URLs of valid servers. The client side load balancer will try to pick the best server to connect to for every single connection.

  slb_server_pool = http://my.server.one/,http://my.server.two

slb_ping_endpoint #

The client side load balancer will use this endpoint to check whether the server is in healthy state or not. It will also be used to measure request latency.

  slb_ping_endpoint = /ping.php

slb_health_check_internal_millis #

The timeout in milliseconds between two consecutive client side load balancer health checks to the slb_server_pool.

  slb_health_check_internal_millis = 1000

slb_timeout_millis #

The connection timeout per health request made to each of the slb_server_pool servers. Any server that fails to respond within this period will be deemed unhealthy and not be used for cache requests.

  slb_timeout_millis = 1000

slb_error_check_time_range_millis #

The error rate to each individual server taking part in the slb_server_pool will be measured in the time range/window specified by this config. In different words, 'errors per second' is computed only for the last slb_error_check_time_range_millis.

  slb_error_check_time_range_millis = 300000

slb_max_error_percentage #

The max error percentage allowed within the last slb_error_check_time_range_millis that is acceptable to keep a particular server marked as healthy and usable by the load balancer. Expects a float value in the interval [0, 1].

  slb_max_error_percentage = 0.1

slb_latency_check_time_range_millis #

The latency to each individual server taking part in the slb_server_pool will be measured in the time range/window specified by this config. In different words, 'server latency' is computed only for the last slb_latency_check_time_range_millis.

  slb_latency_check_time_range_millis = 300000

slb_max_acceptable_latency_millis #

If the latency of a ping request to a server in slb_server_pool is higher than this, the server is deemed unhealthy and not used for cache operations.

  slb_max_acceptable_latency_millis = 1000

[client] #

This section includes settings that provide information about the caller. Although these can be specified in .buckconfig, in practice, they are specified exclusively on the command line:

$ buck --config client.id=tool-making-this-buck-invocation build buck

id #

It is good practice for tools that call Buck to identify themselves via --config client.id=<toolname>. This makes it easier for developers to audit the source of Buck invocations that they did not make directly.

Note that the value of client.id is not factored into a build rule's cache key. It is purely for auditing purposes.

skip-action-graph-cache #

When Buck is run as a daemon, it caches the last Action Graph it used for a build so that if the next build identifies the same set of targets, the [possibly expensive] Action Graph construction step can be avoided. Because only the last Action Graph is cached, it may be costly to interleave a small build job among a series of incremental builds of an expensive rule:

$ buck build //big:expensive-rule            # Initial Action Graph.
$ buck build //big:expensive-rule            # Action Graph is reused.
$ buck build //library#compilation-database  # Evicts costly Action Graph.
$ buck build //big:expensive-rule            # Action Graph is rebuilt.

Although this scenario may sound contrived, it is very common when other tools may also be running buck build in the background. Work done by IDEs and linters frequently fall into this category. In this case, the best practice is to add --config client.skip-action-graph-cache=true for any sort of "one-off" build for which the cost of caching the Action Graph for the new build likely outweighs the benefit of evicting the Action Graph from the previous build. As this is commonly the case for tools, this flag is frequently used in concert with --config client.id:

$ buck build //big:expensive-rule            # Initial Action Graph.
$ buck build //big:expensive-rule            # Action Graph is reused.
$ buck build \                               # Cached Graph is unaffected.
    --config client.skip-action-graph-cache=true \
    --config client.id=nuclide \
$ buck build //big:expensive-rule            # Action Graph is reused.

[color] #

This section configures colored output of Buck.

ui #

Enables (default) or disables colorized output in the terminal.

  ui = true

[credentials] #

This section configures credentials to be used when fetching from authenticated Maven repositories via HTTPS.

For a repository repo appearing in [maven_repositories], Buck reads the values of repo_user and repo_pass in this section (if present), and passes them to the server using basic access authentication when fetching.

Note that authenticating in this way over plain HTTP connections is disallowed and will result in an error.

  repo = https://example.com/repo
  repo_user = joeuser
  repo_pass = hunter2

[cxx] #

This section configures the paths to the C and C++ toolchains' binaries and the default flags to pass to all invocations of them.

C/C++ platform flavors in .buckconfig

Buck enables you to create additional platform flavors for C/C++ in .buckconfig. A platform flavor groups together a set of configuration parameters, which you can then reference at build time.

To create a new C/C++ platform flavor, add a section with the header


to .buckconfig.

If you invoke Buck with the specified flavor appended to the build target, Buck uses the values in this section instead of those in [cxx]. For example, to build with the values in [cxx#my-custom-flavor] instead of [cxx], you could invoke Buck using the following command:

$ buck build app#my-custom-flavor

You can also use these platform flavors, in the platform_* arguments of the cxx_binary and cxx_library rules.

The Buck sample for C++ demonstrates how to use a custom platform flavor.

cpp #

The path to the C preprocessor.

  cpp = /usr/bin/gcc

cc #

The path to the C compiler.

  cc = /usr/bin/gcc

ld #

The path to the C/C++ linker driver.

  ld = /usr/bin/g++

linker_platform #

The platform for the linker. Normally this is autodetected based on the system, but it useful to set when cross compiling. Valid values are:

  • GNU

  linker_platform = DARWIN

cxxpp #

The path to the C++ preprocessor.

  cxxpp = /usr/bin/g++

cxx #

The path to the C++ compiler.

  cxx = /usr/bin/g++

aspp #

The path to the assembly preprocessor.

  aspp = /usr/bin/gcc

as #

The path to the assembler.

  as = /usr/bin/as

ar #

The path to the archiver.

  ar = /usr/bin/ar

archiver_platform #

The platform for the archiver. Normally this is autodetected based on the system, but it useful to set when cross compiling. Valid values are:


  archiver_platform = MACOS

cppflags #

The flags to pass to the C preprocessor.

  cppflags = -Wall

cflags #

The flags to pass to the C compiler and preprocessor.

  cflags = -Wall

ldflags #

The flags to pass to the linker.

  ldflags = --strip-all

cxxppflags #

The flags to pass to the C++ preprocessor.

  cxxppflags = -Wall

cxxflags #

The flags to pass to the C++ compiler and preprocessor.

  cxxflags = -Wall

asppflags #

The flags to pass to the assembly preprocessor.

  asppflags = -W

asflags #

The flags to pass to the assembler and assembly preprocessor.

  asflags = -W

arflags #

The flags to pass to the archiver.

  arflags = -X32_64

ranlibflags #

The flags to pass to the archive indexer.

  ranlibflags = --plugin someplugin

gtest_dep #

The build rule to compile the Google Test framework.

  gtest_dep = //third-party/gtest:gtest

If you had your Google Test code in third-party/gtest/, the build file in that directory would look something like this:

  name = 'gtest',
  srcs = [
  header_namespace = '',
  exported_headers = subdir_glob([
    ('googletest/include', '**/*.h'),
    ('googlemock/include', '**/*.h'),
  headers = subdir_glob([
    ('googletest', 'src/*.cc'),
    ('googletest', 'src/*.h'),
    ('googlemock', 'src/*.cc'),
    ('googlemock', 'src/*.h'),
  platform_linker_flags = [
    ('android', []),
    ('', ['-lpthread']),
  visibility = [

untracked_headers #

How to handle header files that get included in a preprocessing step, but which aren't explicitly owned by any dependencies. By default, Buck sandboxes headers into symlink trees, but file relative inclusion and explicit preprocessor flags can still cause untracked headers to get pulled into the build which can break caching.

  • ignore (default): Untracked headers are allowed in the build.
  • warn: Print a warning to the console when an untracked header is used.
  • error: Fail the build when an untracked header is used.

  untracked_headers = error

untracked_headers_whitelist #

A list of regexes which match headers to exempt from untracked header verification.

  untracked_headers_whitelist = /usr/include/.*, /usr/local/include/.*

should_remap_host_platform #

Specifies whether the default flavor should be remapped to the value of the [cxx].host_platform configuration parameter.

  should_remap_host_platform = true

Default is false.

Because Buck is designed for cross-platform development, Buck normally ignores the host platform when building a target. For example, Buck normally builds the same Linux target irrespective of whether Buck itself is running on, say, Linux or macOS. The should_remap_host_platform configuration parameter enables you to change Buck's behavior so that Buck's target platform is the host platform on which Buck is running.

host_platform #

Specifies the host platform to use if [cxx].should_remap_host_platform is true.

The value that you specify could be one of Buck's internal platform flavors, such as linux-x86_64 or macosx-x86_64:

  host_platform = linux-x86_64

  host_platform = macosx-x86_64

or the value could be a custom platform flavor:

  host_platform = my-custom-flavor

If [cxx].should_remap_host_platform is true, but host_platform is unspecified, then Buck infers the host platform from the local computer to be one of the following values:

  • linux-x86_64 (Linux)
  • macosx-x86_64 (macOS)
  • freebsd-x86_64 (FreeBSD)
  • windows-x86_64 (Windows)

If [cxx].should_remap_host_platform is unset—or explicitly set to false—then Buck ignores the value of host_platform .

default_platform #

Override the default platform for build rules.

  default_platform = iphonesimulator-x86_64

pch_enabled #

Whether prefix headers used by a cxx_library or other such build rule's prefix_header parameter should be separately precompiled, and used in that rule's build.

If this is disabled, the prefix header is included as-is, without precompilation.

Default is true.

  pch_enabled = false

The number of jobs that each C/C++ link rule consumes when running. By default, this is 1, but this can overridden to change how many link rules can execute in parallel for a given -j value. This is useful for builds with large I/O intensive static links where using a lower -j value is undesirable (since it reduces the parallelism for other build rule types).

  link_weight = 3

C/C++ link rules are cached by default. However, static C/C++ link jobs can take up lots of cache space and also get relatively low hit rates, so this config option provides a way to disable caching of all C/C++ link rules in the build.

  cache_links = false

default_reexport_all_header_dependencies #

Default value used for reexport_all_header_dependencies, when it's undefined on the build rule.

  default_reexport_all_header_dependencies = true

shlib_interfaces #

When linking a executable or shared library, any dependencies that build shared libraries are normally added to the link line. If this option is set, Buck will use shared library interfaces for these dependencies instead of full shared libraries. Shared library interfaces are a subset of the original shared library, removing parts of the shared library (e.g. the `.text` segment for ELF) which are typically unused used when this library is being linked against. Using shared library interfaces can allow Buck's input-based rule keys to avoid potentially unnecessary re-links (see CxxSharedLibraryInterfaceIntegrationTest for examples).

  shlib_interfaces = enabled

independent_shlib_interfaces #

Normally, a shared library interface for a rule is generated using it's shared library. Since linking a rule's shared library requires the shared library interfaces for all dependencies be built, this means that dynamic linking has inherent non-parallelism, due to this build dependency tree. When this option is set, Buck will build shared library interfaces independent of the rule's shared library (e.g. by linking it's own shared library without any dependency shared libraries), allowing all shared library interfaces to be built in parallel, and therefore also allowing subsequent shared libraries to be built in parallel.

  independent_shlib_interfaces = true

[d] #

This section configures how code written in D is compiled.

base_compiler_flags #

Flags to pass to every invocation of the D compiler. This is a space-separated list. It defaults to an empty list.

  base_compiler_flags = -I/some/path -g -O3

compiler #

Path to the D compiler. If this parameter is not specified, Buck attempts to find the D compiler automatically.

  compiler = /opt/dmd/bin/dmd

library_path #

Directories to be searched for the D runtime libraries. This is a colon-separated list. If this parameter is not specified, Buck attempts to detect the location of the libraries automatically.

  library_path = /usr/local/lib:/opt/dmd/lib

linker_flags #

Flags to pass to the linker when linking D code into an executable. This is a space-separated list. If omitted, this value is constructed from d.library_path.

  linker_flags = "-L/path to phobos" -lphobos2

[doctor] #

This section defines variables that are associated with command doctor.

protocol #

The protocol of communication, it can be either simple or JSON.

  protocol = json

endpoint_url #

The address of the remote endpoint that the request will go. This needs to be defined in order for the command to work.

  endpoint_url = http://localhost:4545

endpoint_timeout_ms #

The timeout in milliseconds before giving up contacting the analysis endpoint.

  endpoint_timeout_ms = 15

endpoint_extra_request_args #

This sections of keys and values is added as parameters to the POST request send to the doctor remote endpoint.

  endpoint_extra_request_args = ref=>1245,token=>42

report_upload_path #

The address of the remote endpoint the report will be uploaded.

  report_upload_path = http://localhost:4546

report_max_size #

The maximum size that the report endpoint can handle before giving up and storing it only locally.

  report_max_size = 512MB

report_timeout_ms #

The timeout in milliseconds before giving up contacting the report endpoint.

  report_timeout_ms = 15

report_max_upload_retries #

Times to try to upload to the report endpoint.

  report_max_upload_retries = 2

report_extra_info_command #

An extra command that the report should and attach the information to the uploaded report.

  report_extra_info_command = /custom/script/to/run.sh

[download] #

This section configures downloading from the network during buck fetch.

proxy #

Buck will attempt to fetch files from the network, however, if you happen to be behind a] firewall, this may not work correctly. You can supply a proxy when downloading from HTTP[S] servers with these three settings. Valid types for proxy_type are HTTP (default) and SOCKS. These values correspond to Java's Proxy.Type.


maven_repo #

If a remote file's URL starts with mvn:, that file (usually a jar) is supposed to come from a maven repo. You can specify the repo to download from here, or by setting one or more repositories in [maven_repositories].

  maven_repo = https://repo1.maven.org/maven2

max_number_of_retries #

In case buck is unable to download a file, it will retry specified number of times before giving up. By default it's not set, so Buck is not going to retry failed downloads.

  max_number_of_retries = 3

in_build #

If true, allow downloads to be part of the build process. If false, buck build / run / test will require the user to run 'buck fetch' first. This generally should not be changed, to avoid surprising users with unexpected build times, when the cause is mostly download times. By default this set to false.

  in_build = true

[dx] #

This section controls how Buck invokes the dx tool.

threads #

Fixed number of threads to run dexing steps with. If not specified, the optimal number is inferred from hardware specification of running machine.

  threads = 4

max_threads #

The maximum number of threads allowed to run the dexing steps with. Since the dexing steps can use a lot of memory, it might be useful to set this to a lower value to avoid out-of-memory on systems that have a lot of CPU cores. This parameter is mostly useful when [dx].threads is not specified and the number of threads is obtained based on hardware.

  max_threads = 8

max_heap_size #

This option specifies how much memory is available when running dx out of process.

  max_heap_size = 2g

[export_file] #

This section configures behavior of export_file build rule.

input_directory_action #

Defines the behavior of export_file when input of a build rule is a directory. Support for directories will be removed soon and this option provides a way to migrate a project to a state when none of the export_file rules use directories as inputs.

The valid values are:

  • allow (default): directories are allowed and no action is taken,
  • warn: emit a warning to the console,
  • fail: fail the build.

  input_directory_action = fail

[go] #

This section defines the Go toolchain. By default Buck will try to discovery the Go compiler and linker from the go tool found in your PATH.

root #

If you have a non-standard Go install, you will need to set the Go root. The root should contain pkg and bin directories.

  root = /opt/golang/libexec

prefix #

For interoperability with the go tool, you may specify a prefix for your default package names.

  prefix = github.com/facebook/buck

tool #

You can specify the path to find the go tool. This in turn will allow Buck to discover the compiler/linker by default. This defaults to ${go.root}/bin/go.

  tool = /usr/local/bin/go

compiler #

The full path to the Go compiler. This is normally automatically discovered.

  compiler = /usr/local/libexec/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/compile

assembler #

The full path to the Go assembler. This is normally automatically discovered.

  assembler = /usr/local/libexec/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/asm

packer #

The full path to the Go packer. This is normally automatically discovered.

  packer = /usr/local/libexec/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/pack

linker #

The full path to the Go linker. This is normally automatically discovered.

  linker = /usr/local/libexec/go/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64/link

vendor_path #

A list of colon (:) separated list of directories to include for including in the importmap for Go dependencies. Packages in these directories are allowed to be imported given just the relative path to the package. This is similar to how 'vendor' directories work. e.g you can use import golang.org/x/net for a package that lives in/golang.org/x/net.

  vendor_path = third-party/go

project_path #

You can specify the path where buck project will store dynamically generated files (ex. genrule). This is extension to $GOPATH, particularly usefuly while working with native go toolchain or IDE's.

  project_path = third-party/go

[groovy] #

This section configures the Groovy toolchain.

groovy_home #

This defines the value of GROOVY_HOME that Buck should use. If it is not provided, Buck will use the system's GROOVY_HOME by default.

  groovy_home = /path/to/groovy_home

[halide] #

This section configures the Halide platform mappings and toolchain.

target #

This defines the C++ platform flavor to Halide target mapping. Each key should begin with the prefix target_, followed by the flavor name. The corresponding value should be the Halide target string to use when building for that flavor.

  target_iphonesimulator-x86_64 = x86-64-osx
  target_iphoneos-arm64         = arm-64-ios

xcode_compile_script #

The optional path to a shell script which should be used for invoking the Halide AOT "compiler" when building projects that include Halide targets in Xcode.

  xcode_compile_script = //path/to/script.sh

[httpserver] #

Option to enable an experimental web server that presents a UI to explore build data. Note that Buck must be run as a daemon in order for the web server to be available.

port #

This sets the port to use for the web server. There are three possible values:

  • n > 0: For any positive integer, Buck will attempt to make the server available on that port.
  • 0: Buck will find a free port for the server to use and print it out on the command line.
  • -1: Explicitly disables the server.

  port = 8080

[incompatible] #

This section controls features of buck that are in the process of being deprecated.

[intellij] #

This section configures a project generated for IntelliJ IDEA by buck project command.

default_android_manifest_path #

The default manifest file that should be used in Android IntelliJ modules when buck cannot detect the correct manifest to use.

  default_android_manifest_path = shared/AndroidManifest.xml

jdk_name #

IntelliJ project SDK name.

  jdk_name = Java SDK 1.6

jdk_type #

IntelliJ project SDK type.

  jdk_type = Android SDK or JavaSDK

android_module_sdk_type #

Default Android SDK type for android modules.

  android_module_sdk_type = Android SDK

android_module_sdk_name #

Default Android SDK name for android modules.

  android_module_sdk_name = Android API 23 Platform

java_module_sdk_type #

SDK type for Java modules.

  java_module_sdk_type = JavaSDK

java_module_sdk_name #

SDK name for Java modules.

  java_module_sdk_name = 1.8

default_min_android_sdk_version #

Default minimum Android SDK version supported for this project. Overwritten by min SDK version if specified in target's AndroidManifest.xml.

  default_min_android_sdk_version = 9

generated_sources_label_map #

Allows adding folders with generated source code to IntelliJ project. These folders are added when a target has a label specified in this option. In the example below, if target //app/target has label generated_code1 folder buck-out/gen/app/lib/__lib_target1__ will be added to IntelliJ project.

  generated_sources_label_map = generated_code_1 => __%name%_target1__, 
                       generated_code2 => __%name%_target2__

include_transitive_dependencies #

Add transitive dependencies as RUNTIME library.

  include_transitive_dependencies = false

module_group_name #

Specify module group name when grouping modules. If it is set to '', modules are not grouped.

  module_group_name = modules

remove_unused_libraries #

Removes unused libraries from .idea/libraries.

  remove_unused_libraries = true

aggregate_android_resource_modules #

Forces buck project to aggregate modules with Android resources. This aggregation is performed only if aggregation mode is not none.

Note: using this type of aggregation disables Android layout editor provided by Android plugin. The layout files can still be edited using the XML editor.

  aggregate_android_resource_modules = true

android_resource_module_aggregation_limit #

The maximum number of targets that can be aggregated into one module with Android resources. This limit is a workaround to avoid a problem when Android plugin cannot operate on modules with a big number of resource folders.

  android_resource_module_aggregation_limit = 1000

project_compiler_output_url #

The output directory for IntelliJ's builds.

  project_compiler_output_url = intellij-out/classes

extra_compiler_output_modules_path #

This option specifies the location of additional modules for code generated outside of buck graph. For example, it can be used to specify the location of R.java classes generated for Android plugin to help Layout Preview with resolving references to resources.

  extra_compiler_output_modules_path = buck-out/extra-intellij-output

[java] #

This section configures the Java toolchain.

src_roots #

The paths to roots of Java code (where a root contains a tree of Java folders where the folder structure mirrors the package structure). This list of paths is comma-delimited. Paths that start with a slash are relative to the root of the project, and all other paths can match a folder anywhere in the tree. In the example below, we match all folders named src, and java and javatests at the root of the project.

  src_roots = src, /java/, /javatests/

extra_arguments #

A comma-delimited list of flags to pass the Java compiler.

  extra_arguments = -g

source_level #

The default version of Java for source files. Also defines the project language level in IntelliJ.

  source_level = 7

target_level #

The default version of Java for generated code.

  target_level = 7

skip_checking_missing_deps #

Buck will attempt to analyze build failures and suggest dependencies that might not be declared in order to fix the failure. On large projects, this can be slow. This setting disables the check.

  skip_checking_missing_deps = false

jar_spool_mode #

Specifies how the compiler output to the .jar file should be spooled. The valid modes are:

  • intermediate_to_disk (default): writes the intermediate .class files from the compiler output to disk. They are then packed into a .jar.
  • direct_to_jar: compiler output will be directly written to a .jar file with the intermediate .class files held in memory. The compiler output will still be written to disk if there are any post-processing commands specified during the build.

  jar_spool_mode = intermediate_to_disk

abi_generation_mode #

Specifies how Buck should create ABI jars when computing ABI rule keys. Values other than class may not be suitable for all rules; this setting may be overridden on a per-rule basis using the abi_generation_mode parameter on each rule.

The valid modes are:

  • class (default): creates an ABI jar for each library by first building the library and then stripping out any information that is not part of the interface (such as method bodies and private members).
  • source: creates an ABI jar for each library in the process of building the library, via a plugin to the Java compiler. This improves build times by allowing each library's dependents to start building before the library is done building.

    Implies jar_spool_mode = direct_to_jar.

  • source_only: creates an ABI jar for each library by referencing only the source code of the library, without considering (most of) its dependencies. This can drastically improve build times, especially in larger apps or in build environments with a large number of cores by allowing all ABI jars to be built in parallel, and then all library jars to be built in parallel (up to the available parallelism in the build environment). Additionally, in environments with network-based caches it can reduce the number of calls to the cache required for each build.

    Requires some changes to how Java code is written. To migrate, first do some builds in migrating_to_source_only mode, using buck fix to fix any issues encountered. Once migrated, errors will still be encountered from time to time when new code does not meet the requirements of this mode.buck fix can be used to address these.

    When building with source_only, using buck build --keep-going is recommended since some errors that occur when building an ABI jar will actually have their root cause in another rule that builds later.

    Read more about source-only ABIs here.

  • migrating_to_source_only: used when migrating from source to source_only. Acts like source, but issues warnings (inbuck.log, not to the console) for any Java code that would cause errors undersource_only. buck fix can be used to fix most such warnings.

  abi_generation_mode = source

unused_dependencies_action #

Action performed when Buck detects that some dependencies are not used during Java compilation.

Note that this feature is experimental and does not handle run-time dependencies.

The valid values are:

  • ignore (default): ignore unused dependencies,
  • warn: emit a warning to the console,
  • fail: fail the compilation.

  unused_dependencies_action = warn

duplicates_log_level #

Verbosity of logs emitted on duplicates when building binary.

The valid values are:

  • info (default): emit an info to the console,
  • warn: emit a warning to the console,
  • fine: emit a fine info to the console, visible only at high verbosity levels.

  duplicates_log_level = info

[kotlin] #

This section configures various aspects of the Kotlin toolchain.

kotlinc #

The path to the kotlinc compiler executable to use when external compilation is forced. This setting has no effect by itself and must be paired with the [kotlin].external setting.

  kotlinc = /usr/local/bin/kotlinc

external #

Forces external compilation via kotlinc. When external compilation is forced the following heuristics are used to locate the kotlinc executable:

  • If the [kotlin].kotlinc setting is specified, the executable specified by that path will be used.
  • If the [kotlin].kotlin_home path setting is specified, Buck will look for a bin directory under that path for an executable named kotlinc.
  • If a KOTLIN_HOME environment variable is present, Buck will look for a bin directory under that path for an executable named kotlinc.
  • Lastly, if none of the above are specified, Buck will look for the kotlinc executable in the paths listed in the PATH environment variable.
Defaults to false.

  external = true

kotlin_home #

The path to the Kotlin root folder, typically the installation folder, where various Kotlin assets (executables and JAR files) can be found. This path is used in the following ways:

  • When in-memory compilation is used, the kotlin-compiler.jar and other related Kotlin JARs required for compilation are located via this path using the following heuristics:
    • The root of the directory specified by this path is searched.
    • If there is a lib directory under this path, it is searched.
    • If there is a libexec directory under this path, it is searched.
  • If external compilation is called for (see [kotlin].external), a bin directory under this directory will be searched to locate the kotlinc executable.
If this setting is not specified, the location of the Kotlin home directory can be specified via the KOTLIN_HOME environment variable. If neither the [kotlin].kotlin_home setting nor the KOTLIN_HOME environment variable is specified, Buck will attempt to locate the home directory by searching for the kotlinc executable in the paths specified by the PATH environment variable. If the kotlinc executable is found, Buck assumes that the parent directory of that executable is the Kotlin home.

  kotlin_home = /usr/local/Cellar/kotlin/1.1.1

[log] #

This section controls how Buck will log information about builds for later inspection. Settings in this section will appear as features are in the processing of being deprecated, and be removed after features are removed from Buck.

max_traces #

Sets the maximum number of Chrome Traces that Buck will create.

  max_traces = 25

compress_traces #

true if Buck should GZIP the traces, false otherwise.

  compress_traces = true

machine_readable_logger_enabled #

true if Buck should output to a machine readable log file under name buck-machine-log. Log entries are formatted one per line like < Event type >< space >< JSON >.

  machine_readable_logger_enabled = true

build_details_template #

If provided, Buck prints the specified string at the end of each build. The string {build_id} is replaced with the current build ID. This can be helpful to link to external systems that may have more details about the build.

  build_details_template = "Details at https://example.com/builds/{build_id}"

build_details_commands #

If build_details_template is provided, Buck prints the specified string to the console for each of the specified list of commands. This can be useful for ensuring that users do not have too much information provided, but allows configuring log-heavy environments like CI systems to output more information for commands like 'query'. Default value is build, test, install

  build_details_commands = build, test, install, query, targets

[lua] #

This section defines settings relevant to lua_* rules.

lua #

The path to the Lua interpreter. By default, Buck will search for the binary lua in your PATH.

  lua = /usr/bin/lua

cxx_library #

The build target of the Lua C library to use to link a standalone interpreter. By default, Buck will use -llua from the C/C++ linker's default library search path.

  cxx_library = //third-party/lua:lua

starter_type #

The method for bootstrapping Lua binaries. By default, native is chosen if the binary contains native libraries and pure is chosen otherwise.

  • pure: The binary bootstrap process uses pure Lua code. This method cannot be used if the binary includes native code.
  • native: The binary bootstrap process links in the Lua C library (specified in [lua].cxx_library) to form a standalone native interpreter.

  starter_type = pure

native_starter_library #

A C/C++ library to use as a custom starter for Lua binaries which use theNATIVE bootstrap method. The library is expected to define the following function:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int run_starter(
    int argc,
    const char **argv,
    const char *main_module,
    const char *modules_dir,
    const char *extension_suffix);
Where the arguments are as follows:
  • argc: The number of command-line arguments.
  • argv: The array of command-line arguments.
  • main_module: The name of the binary's main module.
  • modules_dir: The path, relative the binary, to the modules directory.
  • extension_suffix: The suffix used for native libraries (e.g. .so).

  native_starter_library = //third-party/lua:starter

extension #

The extension to use for Lua binaries. Defaults to .lex.

  extension = .lex

[maven_repositories] #

This section defines the set of maven repositories that Buck can use when attempting to resolve maven artifacts. It takes the form of key value pairs of a short name for the repo and the URL. The URL may either be an HTTP(S) URL, or point to a directory on your local disk.

  central = https://repo1.maven.org/maven2
  m2 = ~/.m2/repository

Note that if you are using Buck to talk to Maven and you are using IPv6, you might need to add the following option to your .buckjavaargs file:


[ndk] #

This section defines properties to configure building native code against the Android NDK.

ndk_version #

The version of the NDK that Buck should use to build native code. Buck searches for this version in the subdirectories beneath the directory specified by either the ANDROID_NDK_REPOSITORY environment variable or the value of the [ndk].ndk_repository_path property. Buck prefers an exact match, and otherwise accepts a prefix match.

NDKs with a version prior to r11 store their version in the file RELEASE.TXT. For example, in version r10c this file contains r10c (64-bit). In this case, you would use r10c for the value of ndk_version.

  ndk_version = r10c

NDKs with a version after r11 use a different format for their version and store their version in the Pkg.Revision property of the file source.properties. For example, this is the content of that file for version r13b:

Pkg.Desc = Android NDK
Pkg.Revision = 13.1.3345770

In this case, you would use 13.1.3345770 for the value of ndk_version.

  ndk_version = 13.1.3345770 

ndk_path #

This specifies an absolute path to the Android NDK. The default is empty.

Setting this property has the same effect as if you had set either of the following environment variables to the same value:


Note that Buck gives precedence to the values of these environment variables—in the order in which they are listed above—over the value of this property in .buckconfig.

  ndk_path = /Library/Android/ndk/r10c

ndk_repository_path #

This specifies the absolute path to a directory that contains multiple versions of the Android NDK in subdirectories. The default is empty.

Setting this property has the same effect as if you had set the ANDROID_NDK_REPOSITORY environment variable to the same value. However, Buck gives precedence to the value of this environment variables over the value of this property in.buckconfig.

Buck selects which NDK to use based on the value of the [ndk].ndk_version property. Currently, if you do not specify a value for ndk.ndk_version, Buck selects the most-recent NDK. However, you should not rely on this behavior as it could change in a future release.

  ndk_repository_path = /Library/Android/ndk

app_platform #

The android platform libraries that the code is targeting. This is equivalent to the APP_TARGET in the NDK build system. The default is android-16.

  app_platform = android-21

app_platform_per_cpu_abi #

The android platform libraries that the code is targeting, set on a per-CPU ABI basis. This is equivalent to the APP_TARGET in the NDK build system.

If no value is set for a particular CPU ABI, the value from app_platform is used as a fallback.

  app_platform_per_cpu_abi = arm => android-19, arm64 => android-22

cpu_abis #

A comma separated list of the CPU ABIs that this repo supports. Buck will only build NDK code for these ABIs.

  cpu_abis = armv7, x86

compiler #

When compiling cxx_library rules, this specifies the compiler family to use from the NDK. The possible values are:

  • gcc (default): Use the GCC family of compilation tools.
  • clang: Use the Clang family of compilation tools.

  compiler = gcc

gcc_version #

When compiling cxx_library rules, this specifies the version of GCC to use. This will be used regardless of the value in [ndk].compiler, as other compiler families still use tools from the GCC toolchain (such as ar). The default value is 4.8.

  gcc_version = 4.8

clang_version #

When compiling cxx_library rules, this specifies the version of Clang to use. The default value is 3.4.

  clang_version = 3.4

cxx_runtime #

When compiling cxx_library rules, this specifies the variant of the C/C++ runtime to use. Possible values are:

  • gabixx
  • gnustl (default)
  • libcxx
  • stlport
  • system

  cxx_runtime = gnustl

cxx_runtime_type #

When compiling cxx_library rules, this specifies how libraries are intended to be linked with the runtime. If this is static, then the C/C++ runtime library will not be packaged in the APK. Possible values are:

  • dynamic (default)
  • static

  cxx_runtime_type = dynamic

[ocaml] #

This section configures the paths to the OCaml toolchain's binaries.

ocaml.bytecode.compiler #

The path to the OCaml bytecode compiler (ocamlc).

  ocaml.bytecode.compiler = /usr/local/bin/ocamlc.opt

ocaml.compiler #

The path to the OCaml native-code compiler (ocamlopt).

  ocaml.compiler = /usr/local/bin/ocamlopt.opt

dep.tool #

The path to the OCaml dependency generator (ocamldep).

  dep.tool = /usr/local/bin/ocamldep.opt

lex.compiler #

The path to the OCaml lexer generator (ocamllex).

  lex.compiler = /usr/local/bin/ocamllex.opt

yacc.compiler #

The path to the OCaml parser generator (ocamlyacc).

  yacc.compiler = /usr/local/bin/ocamlyacc

debug #

The path to the OCaml debugger (ocamldebug).

  debug = /usr/local/bin/ocamldebug

interop.includes #

The path to the OCaml standard library directory (see Interfacing C with OCaml).

  interop.includes = /usr/local/lib/ocaml

[parser] #

This section defines settings for the BUCK parser.

python_interpreter #

The path to the python interpreter to use for parsing. If not specified, the [python].interpreter setting is used.

  python_interpreter = /usr/bin/python

python_path #

The PYTHONPATH environment variable set for the python interpreter used by the parser to use. By default, this is unset.

  python_path = /path1:/path2

polyglot_parsing_enabled #

Indicates whether support for experimental polyglot parsing should be enabled. When enabled, build file can have a # BUILD FILE SYNTAX: marker followed by one of supported syntax names that include PYTHON_DSL and an experimental SKYLARK. This flag is disabled by default.

  polyglot_parsing_enabled = true

default_build_file_syntax #

Specifies the default syntax assumed when parsing build files without explicit build syntax marker (# BUILD FILE SYNTAX: ). This flag is only applicable whenparser.polyglot_parsing_enabled configuration is set to true. By default it's value is set to PYTHON_DSL.

  default_build_file_syntax = SKYLARK

disable_implicit_native_rules #

If set, native rules (cxx_library, android_library, etc) cannot be used in BUCK files. This can be useful if your team has a common set of macros that should be loaded, and one desires a fast-feedback way to make sure that Buck's native rules are not inadvertently used. If set, native rules can only be accessed via the 'native' object within an extension file that is evaluated with load() or include_defs(). This flag is disabled by default (native rules can be used in build files).

  disable_implicit_native_rules = true

warn_about_deprecated_syntax #

If set, warnings about deprecated syntax in BUCK files will be issued. This flag is enabled by default.

  warn_about_deprecated_syntax = false

[project] #

This section defines project-level settings.

generate_android_manifest #

Forces Buck to generate "AndroidManifest.xml" files for Android IntelliJ modules. The generated manifests contain package name only to allow Android IntelliJ plugin resolve references to resources correctly.

Manifests are generated for modules that have information about package name and have either none or more than one targets with Android manifests. When a module has exactly one target with Android manifest this manifest is used as a manifest in the module.

  generate_android_manifest = true

ide #

Buck attempts to figure out the correct IDE to use based on the type of rule (e.g. for apple_library it will generate Xcode workspace), but for cross-platform libraries (like cxx_library) it is not possible. This setting lets you specify the default IDE that buck project generates. Possible values are:

  • intellij
  • xcode

  ide = xcode

glob_handler #

The glob() handler that Buck will use. The possible values are:

  • python (default): evaluates globs in the Python interpreter while parsing build files.
  • watchman: evaluates the globs with Watchman, which is generally much faster.

  glob_handler = python

If set to forbid, Buck will disallow symbolic links to source and BUCK files. This allows Buck to enable a number of performance improvements. If set to allow, Buck will silently ignore symlinks.

The default value is warn.

  allow_symlinks = forbid

build_file_search_method #

How Buck finds BUCK files. This is used when a build target pattern contains /... and for commands like buck project. Possible values are:

  • filesystem_crawl (default): walk the file system recursively using APIs provided by the operating system.
  • watchman: query Watchman with a glob query like **/BUCK. For file systems such as EdenFS, watchman can be faster than filesystem_crawl.

This setting in independent of [project].glob_handler.

  build_file_search_method = filesystem_crawl

watchman_query_timeout_ms #

When communicating with Watchman, Buck will wait this long for a response. The default is 60000 ms.

  watchman_query_timeout_ms = 60000

ide_force_kill #

Configures how the buck project command responds if an instance of Apple's Xcode IDE is running.

  ide_force_kill = never

Possible values are:

  • always : Always terminate Xcode. Do not ask first.
  • never : Never terminate Xcode.
  • prompt : Ask the user whether to terminate Xcode. This is the default.

To specify that Buck should respond in a way that is different than the .buckconfig setting, use the--config command-line option.

buck project --config project.ide_force_kill=always

For more information about the --config option, see the Common Parameters topic.

initial_targets #

A space-separated list of build targets to run when buck project is executed. This is often a list of genrules whose outputs need to exist in order for an IDE to be able to build a project without the help of Buck.

  initial_targets = //java/com/facebook/schema:generate_thrift_jar

ignore #

A comma-separated list of subtrees within the project root which are ignored in the following contexts:

  • Buck daemon filesystem monitoring.
  • Filesystem traversal when searching for tests and BUCK files
  • IntelliJ project indexing
Buck automatically excludes its own output, e.g. buck-out, .buckd, and .idea, as well as the cache directory (see [cache].mode), but it makes no assumptions about source control systems.

  ignore = .git

pre_process #

A script that should be executed before the project files are generated. This should only be used to do some project-specific actions that are reasonably fast.

The environment of this script contains the following variables:

  • BUCK_PROJECT_TARGETS - whitespace-separated list of input targets.
  • BUCK_PROJECT_TYPE - the type of a project, can be "xcode" or "intellij".

  pre_process = scripts/pre_process_buck_project.py

post_process #

A script that should be executed after the project files are generated. This should only be used to do some project-specific actions that are reasonably fast.

The environment of this script contains the following variables:

  • BUCK_PROJECT_TARGETS - whitespace-separated list of input targets.
  • BUCK_PROJECT_TYPE - the type of a project, can be "xcode" or "intellij".

  post_process = scripts/post_process_buck_project.py

parallel_parsing #

When set to true, Buck will parse your build files in parallel.

  parallel_parsing = false

parsing_threads #

When [project].parallel_parsing is enabled, this specifies the number of threads Buck uses to parse. By default, this is equal to the number of threads Buck uses to build, and will be the minimum of this setting and [build].threads.

  parsing_threads = 2

build_file_import_whitelist #

A comma-separated list that configures which Python modules can be imported in build files.

  build_file_import_whitelist = math, Foo

shared_libraries_in_bundles #

When using xcode project, for projects that depend on a library, if set to 'true', if that library is the 'binary' of a bundle, the bundle will replace the library in the Xcode linking phase

  shared_libraries_in_bundles = false

motd #

A plain text message that will be printed first when a user interacts with buck. This supports simple special characters like newlines (\n).


[python] #

This section defines settings relevant to python_* rules.

Python platform flavors in .buckconfig

Buck enables you to create additional platform flavors for Python in .buckconfig. A platform flavor groups together a set of configuration parameters, which you can then reference at build time.

To create a new Python platform flavor, add a section with the header


to .buckconfig. If you invoke Buck with the specified flavor appended to the build target, Buck uses the values in this section instead of those in [python]. For example, to build with the values in [python#py3] instead of [python], you could invoke Buck using the following command:

$ buck build app#py3

This is useful if, for example, you have both Python 2 and Python 3 code in your project and need to differentiate between them by changing the value of the [python].interpreter.

You can also use these platform flavors, in the platform argument of the python_binary rule, and in the platform_sources and platform_resources arguments of the python_library rule.

interpreter #

The path to the python interpreter to use. By default, Buck will search for this in your PATH.

  interpreter = /usr/bin/python

inplace_interpreter_flags #

Flags to pass to the python interpreter when running a .pex file that is configured to run 'inplace'. Defaults to -Es

  inplace_interpreter_flags = -EBs

library #

The build rule, typically a prebuilt_cxx_library, wrapping the libpython.so that cpp_python_extension rules should build against.

  library = //third-party/python:python

The strategy used for pulling in native dependencies:

  • merged: Native dependencies which are first-order dependencies of python_* rules are linked as full, separate, shared libraries. Transitive native dependencies are statically linked into a single monolithic shared library. This is preferred to reduce the native code size and shared library count.
  • separate (default): Transitive native dependencies are linked as full, separate, shared libraries. This is preferred for faster build-time speed.

  native_link_strategy = separate

package_style #

The packaging style to use for python_binary and python_test. Valid values are:

  • inplace: builds executables which are only able to run from within the repository. This style of packaging is significantly faster than standalone packages.
  • standalone (default): builds self-contained executable packages that can be run outside of the repository.

  package_style = standalone

path_to_pex_executor #

The path to the tool used to run executable Python packages. For self-executing packages, this should just by the shell.

  path_to_pex_executor = /bin/sh

pex_extension #

The extension to use for executable Python packages.

  pex_extension = .pex

version #

The implementation and version of the Python interpreter. The syntax is:

<interpreter implementation> <interpreter version>

The implementation and version should be separated by a space.

The version should comprise only numerals and periods; it should not contain characters such as +, although some Python versions use such characters.

To obtain the implementation, you can use the following command, invoked using the relevant Python interpreter:

python -c "import platform; print( platform.python_implementation() )"

Similarly, to obtain the version, use:

python -c "import platform; print( platform.python_version() )"


  version = CPython 2.7

[repositories] #

Lists the cells that constitute the Buck project. Buck builds that are part of this project—that is, which use this .buckconfig—can access the cells specified in this section.

    buck = .
    bazel_skylib = ./third-party/skylark/bazel-skylib

The string on the left-hand side of the equals sign is the alias for the cell. The string on the right-hand side of the equals sign is the path to the cell from the directory that contains this .buckconfig file.

It is not necessary to include the current cell in this section, but we consider it a best practice to do so:

buck = .

You can view the contents of this section using the buck audit cell command.

Although the name of the section is repositories, the section actually lists cells. In practice, Buck cells often correspond to repositories, but this is not a requirement.

For more information about the relationship between Buck projects, cells, and repositories, see the Key Concepts topic.

[resources] #

The settings to control how Buck uses resources to schedule the work. When resource-aware scheduler is enabled, Buck will create more threads in attempt to run resource-independent work in parallel. Number of build threads is still controlled by num_threads option. Buck will also create a number of additional threads that will be used for tasks that don't require CPU: network fetches, disk operations, etc. Total number of threads that Buck will operate is controlled bymanaged_thread_count option, that is, it includes build threads and additional threads.

resource_aware_scheduling_enabled #

When set to true, Buck will attempt to use resource-aware scheduler.

  resource_aware_scheduling_enabled = true

managed_thread_count #

Buck will use num_threads threads for CPU intensive tasks (e.g. local building) and it will use managed_thread_count - num_threadsfor other purposes. Thus, managed_thread_count value must be greater or equal to num_threads value. If you don't specify this value, Buck will create built-in number of additional threads which equals to the number of CPU cores on the machine. These additional threads will be used for non-CPU work like networking, disk I/O and etc. But if one of the num_threads threads is free then Buck will probably use it for non-CPU stuff as well.

  managed_thread_count = 40

default_cpu_amount #

Amount of CPU resource required by arbitrary job which has no specific setting for its resource amounts. By default is 1 - a single CPU is required for the job to be completed.

  default_cpu_amount = 1

default_memory_amount #

Amount of memory resource required by arbitrary job which has no specific setting for its resource amounts. By default is 1 - a single memory resource is required for the job to be completed. A single memory resource is an abstract value, currently it equals to 100 Mb.

  default_memory_amount = 1

default_disk_io_amount #

Amount of disk I/O resource required by arbitrary job which has no specific setting for its resource amounts. A single disk resource is an abstract value. Think about it as like SSD can handle 50 parallel disk jobs with weight 1, while HDD can handle only 20. Thus, if job needs to read or write a lot of data, it is better to assign a higher value for its disk I/O amount. This will reduce the risk to have several similar jobs running concurrently and performing huge disk I/O operations, slowing down build itself and system performance.

  default_disk_io_amount = 1

default_network_io_amount #

A single network resource is an abstract value. Think about it as Ethernet can handle 50 parallel network jobs with weight 1. Slower network interfaces can handle less amount of jobs. If job needs to send or receive a lot of data, it is better to assign a higher value for its network I/O amount.

  default_network_io_amount = 1

max_memory_resource #

Maximum memory resource available to Buck. By default is size of Java heap divided by 100 Mb. A single memory resource is an abstract value, currently it equals to 100 Mb.

  max_memory_resource = 30

max_disk_io_resource #

Maximum disk I/O resource available to Buck. By default the value is 50. Think about it as like SSD can handle 50 parallel disk jobs with weight 1, while HDD can handle only 20. Thus, if job needs to read or write a lot of data, it should require higher disk I/O resource.

  max_disk_io_resource = 30

max_network_io_resource #

Maximum disk I/O resource available to Buck. By default the value is 30. Think about it as Ethernet can handle 50 parallel network jobs with weight 1. Slower network interfaces can handle less amount of jobs. If job needs to send or receive a lot of data, it should require higher network I/O resource.

  max_network_io_resource = 30

[resources_per_rule] #

This section contains required resource amounts for various build rules. If amount for some build rule is not specified in this section, then amount of 1 (CPU), 1 (Memory), 0 (disk i/o) and 0 (network i/o) is used. Amounts are used in local building, so in most cases build rule will require 0 for network I/O unless it fetches any data from network. Rule's name is constructed by converting the camel-style class name of the BuildRulein Buck's source code (e.g. MyBuildRule) into lower underscored name (e.g. my_build_rule).

  cxx_link = 1, 1, 5, 0
  android_binary = 8, 30, 30, 0

Buck will use the defined resource amounts during the build process in order to attempt to use all available resources.

[rust] #

The settings to control how Buck builds rust_* rules.

compiler #

The path that Buck should use to compile Rust files. By default, it checks your PATH.

  compiler = /usr/local/bin/rustc

rustc_flags #

Default command-line flags passed to all invocations of the rust compiler.

  rustc_flags = -g

rustc_binary_flags #

Default command-line flags passed to invocations of the rust compiler in rust_binary rules, in addition to options set in rustc_flags.

  rustc_binary_flags = -C lto

rustc_library_flags #

Default command-line flags passed to invocations of the rust compiler in rust_library rules, in addition to options set in rustc_flags.

  rustc_library_flags = --cfg=debug

unflavored_binaries #

Controls whether the output from rust_binary or rust_test rules include a flavor from the platform in the path or not. Even unflavored, the path includes #binary.

  unflavored_binaries = true

remap_src_paths #

Controls whether rustc remaps the source paths in its output. Buck will always construct a link tree with the sources required for a given rule, which means the paths passed to rustc are not the original source paths. This option will remap those paths in compiler output, debug info, file!() and elsewhere to match the original source names. The options are "no" (don't remap), and "yes" (remap).

  remap_src_paths = no

force_rlib #

When force_rlib is true, then buck will always compile static (rlib) libraries even when the final target (binary or unit test) is being linked with a shared link style. Rust code is typically always statically linked, and a lot of surrounding tooling doesn't cope well with dynamically linked Rust crates. Linking with a shared link style will still dynamically link with C/C++ shared objects.

  force_rlib = false

prefer_static_libs #

When prefer_static_libs is true, then buck will always prefer to link with static versions of a library when building a shared target. In practice, this only affects linking with the standard library crates.

  prefer_static_libs = false

incremental #

When set, enable rustc's incremental build option.

Rust's incremental compilation mode operates transparently to the build system - it is guaranteed to produce bit-for-bit identical output to non-incremental builds. To do this it maintains a separate incremental database to one side. The only requirement is that there is only ever one instance of rustc for a given crate at one time. Buck guarantees this by making sure there's a separate incremental database for each flavor (since builds for different flavors of the same target can be run concurrently).

The value of this option is an additional path fragment used for the incremental database path. This allows the user to use separate databases for optimized, debug, etc command lines. If this is not required, then it can be any valid pathname fragment.

  incremental = opt

default_edition #

Set the default edition for Rust rules. The edition can be specified on a per-rule basis, but this sets the default if nothing is specified. The default is "2015".

  default_edition = 2018

[sandbox] #

This section controls sandboxing. Sandbox execution provides better guarantees about resources accessible to the processes by using system-provided capabilities to restrict certain usages (for example, restricting the set of files allowed to be read and write).

darwin_sandbox_enabled #

This option specifies whether sandboxing is enabled on OS X or not.

  darwin_sandbox_enabled = true

genrule_sandbox_enabled #

Enables sandbox in genrule.

  genrule_sandbox_enabled = true

[test] #

The settings to control how Buck runs tests.

incl_no_location_classes #

This specifies whether jacoco code coverage is enabled on classes without source location. The default is false. Set to true to enable code coverage with robolectric tests. Note that setting to true will include dynamically created sources in code coverage, such as that created by mocking (e.g. jmockit) or persistence frameworks.

  incl_no_location_classes = true

timeout #

The number of milliseconds per test to allow before stopping the test and reporting a failure. The default is no timeout. Not all *_test rules utilize this value. A JUnit test can override this via the @Test annotation.

  timeout = 300000

rule_timeout #

The number of milliseconds per *_test rule to allow before stopping it and reporting a failure. The default is no timeout.

  rule_timeout = 1200000

external_runner #

This specifies an external test runner command to use instead of Buck's built-in test runner. The external test runner is invoked by Buck after it has built all the test rules. It passes the test runner the path to a file which contains a JSON-encoded list of test file infos via the --buck-test-info [path] command line option.

Additionally, if buck test is invoked with -- [extra-runner-args], these will be passed to the external runner before --buck-test-info.

The JSON-encoded test file contains an array of infos. Those infos have the following fields:

  • target: The build target of the test rule.
  • type: A string describing the type of the test.
  • command: An array of command line arguments the test runner should invoke to run the test.
  • env: A map of environments variables that should be defined by the test runner when running the test.
  • labels: An array of labels that are defined on the test rule.
  • contacts: An array of contacts that are defined on the test rule. These are typically user names or email addresses.

  external_runner = command args...

thread_utilization_ratio #

Sets the maximum number of threads to use for testing as a ratio of the number of threads used for building. By default(1.0), buck uses runs tests on all threads that were used for building.

  thread_utilization_ratio = 0.5

parallel_external_test_spec_computation_enabled #

Whether external test spec computation is allowed to happen in parallel. Enabling this option can significantly speed up test execution when many test targets are requested. By default it is disabled.

  parallel_external_test_spec_computation_enabled = false

threads #

Specify number of threads used when running test.

  threads = 5

[thrift] #

This section provides settings to locate required thrift components.

compiler #

The path or build target that builds the thrift compiler that Buck should use.

  compiler = /usr/local/bin/thrift

compiler2 #

The path or build target that builds the thrift2 compiler that Buck should use. If this is unset, it defaults to the value of [thrift].compiler.

  compiler2 = /usr/local/bin/thrift2

[tools] #

This section tells Buck how to find certain tools e.g. how the Java compilation occurs and how auxiliary tools are used e.g. the ProGuard Java class file optimizer which is used as part of the Android build process.

javac #

The javac option is a path to a program that acts like Java javac. When set, buck uses this program instead of the system Java compiler. When neither this nor [tools].javac_jar is set, Buck defaults to using the system compiler in-memory.

javac_jar #

When this option is set to a JAR file, Buck loads the referenced compiler in-memory. When neither this nor [tools].javac is set, Buck defaults to using the system compiler in-memory.

java_for_tests #

The java_for_tests option is a path to a java binary. When set, buck uses that binary to execute Java tests--when using either the internal or external test runners--instead of the java binary used to run Buck itself. When this option is not set, Buck executes Java tests using the same binary used to run Buck.

compiler_class_name #

When javac_jar is set, Buck loads the referenced compiler class name from the jar. When it is not set but javac_jar is set, Buck uses the default compiler class.

proguard #

This option specifies the location of the JAR file to be used to invoke ProGuard. This overrides the default ProGuard JAR file that would have been picked up from the Android SDK. Here is an example setting:

  proguard = proguard/proguard-fork.jar

proguard-max-heap-size #

This option specifies how much memory is used when running proguard. Defaults to 1024M. You may want to give ProGuard more memory to try and improve performance.

  proguard-max-heap-size = 4096M

proguard-agentpath #

This option allows the specification of a Java profiling agent which is set with the -agentpath argument when the ProGuard jar file is executed. Typically this would be set in a .buckconfig.local configuration file for when you want to profile a build running on your local machine. Set this to the actual path of the installed agent on the machine where ProGuard will run.

  proguard-agentpath = /Applications/YourKit_Java_Profiler_2015_build_15084.app/Contents/Resources/bin/mac/libyjpagent.jnilib

[ui] #

This section configures the appearance of Buck's command line interface.

always_sort_threads_by_time #

Specifies whether the lines with information about building and testing threads should always be sorted by the time spent running the rules they are currently executing. When set to false, threads are only sorted if there are more threads than available lines (see [ui].thread_line_limit for an option to configure this limit). Only effective when the super console is used. The default value is false.

  always_sort_threads_by_time = true

error_message_augmentations #

This setting is preliminary and is likely to change.

Specifies a comma-separated list of mappings from regular expressions (regexes) to message strings.

If the text of a Buck parser error matches one of the specified regexes, the corresponding message string is appended to the error. You can use the message string to provide additional helpful information to the user.

If the regex contains unescaped parentheses, (), the text that the parentheses enclose is captured. You can then insert this captured text in the appended string by using $1 for the first captured text string, $2 for the second, and so on. This works exactly like Java regex replacement strings.

  error_message_augmentations = "The rule (//S+)-cxx could not be found." => "Please make sure that $1 is a cxx library.

relativize_targets_to_working_directory #

Determines whether build target patterns provided on the command line are relativized to the current working directory. For example, if buck build bar/...is run from the foo subdirectory of the project, the pattern//foo/bar/... is built instead. If set to false, //bar/...would be built. This defaults to true.

  relativize_targets_to_working_directory = false

enable_show_output_warning #

Determines whether a deprecation warning for --show-output should be shown. The warning also informs users that they should be using --show-outputs instead. This defaults to false.

  enable_show_output_warning = false

thread_line_limit #

Specifies how many lines will be used to show the status of running threads during building and testing by default. Only effective when the super console is used. The value has to be a positive number. The default value is 10.

  thread_line_limit = 10

thread_line_limit_on_warning #

Specifies how many lines will be used to show the status of running threads during building and testing after a warning is reported. Only effective when the super console is used. The value has to be a positive number. Defaults to the value of [ui].thread_line_limit.

  thread_line_limit_on_warning = 10

thread_line_limit_on_error #

Specifies how many lines will be used to show the status of running threads during building and testing after an error is reported. Only effective when the super console is used. The value has to be a positive number. Defaults to the value of [ui].thread_line_limit.

  thread_line_limit_on_error = 10

truncate_failing_command #

Determines whether a failing executed command is truncated in error messages. This defaults to true.

  truncate_failing_command = true

superconsole #

Whether the super console is enabled. If so, a more reactive UI will be shown. Valid values are ENABLED, DISABLED, and AUTO. By default, this is set to AUTO which will take OS, terminal settings and other things into account. In most interactive cases, it will be enabled.

  superconsole = ENABLED

warn_on_config_file_overrides #

Whether to display a warning when using configuration overrides from .buckconfig.local or any of the files mentioned in Precedence of Buck configuration specifications
This is true by default.

  warn_on_config_file_overrides = false

warn_on_config_file_overrides_ignored_files #

A comma-separated list of names of configuration files that should be ignored.

By default, Buck prints a warning if settings are in use from any of the files in Precedence of Buck configuration specifications
Sometimes, however, a user should not be alerted about specific files. For example, there may be global Buck settings in /etc/buckconfig.d/system that are managed by an IT organization, not the user, and the warning would just be ignored. In this case, this setting could be set to systemso that /etc/buckconfig.d/system being present would not elicit a warning.

  warn_on_config_file_overrides_ignored_files = experiments,system

[worker] #

This section configures how Buck's workers (worker_tools and similar) work.

persistent #

Specifies whether by default workers run in persistent mode (reusing the worker process across builds). The persistent option of worker_tool overrides this default. The default value is false. Be careful when switching this to true since the workers will not shut down after buck commands and will continue consuming system resources.

  persistent = false